Movie Rating:
Actors: Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Josh Duhamel, Laura Haddock, Isabela Moner

Directed by: Michael Bay
Written by: Art Marcum, Matt Holloway, Ken Nolan
Rating: PG-13 Duration: 2 hr 29 min.
Two cents:

It is official, Michael Bay did not have F *** "s to give this series. It is obvious how this "story" is constructed and how the action is assembled. The last man shows some of the more lazy I've ever witnessed direction, and is charged with the continuity of unforgivable errors. I do not know about you, but I'm tired of the massive scale of destruction in these films. There is no "wow" factor.

I used to enjoy these movies as it might be a fireworks display. He had come to the show and then went to my business. The bar was weak for this series, but this film manages to find new depths to explore. The characters are entered and then discarded. Action items are configured to forget. Even the comedic timing is out this time, and that was one of the few graces of savings in a Transformers movie.

The last man is essentially a collection of moments organized by chance. History jumps back and forth between the United States, the United Kingdom and Cuba, then all Mythos transformers mixed with a bad fall throughout human history. The many elements of the film are presented at the last emergency level and noise, so that the time of more than two hours a hole induction of headaches.

Preparation of the film:

Wait for a beast. The visual effects are, of course, very good, but do not expect the logical argument.


Amidst all this nonsense, I enjoyed a good time "hero" with the first when sends a handful of super villains with a single sword stroke. But that's all. One minute on 149!

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Spider-Man: Homecoming Movie Blog

How Spider-Man: Homecoming Robert Downey Jr can help postpone indefinitely the iron man of retirement

Iron Man may be backward in the background, but Tony Stark is as crucial as ever. Is the era of the cinema universe solved the old casting problem for Hollywood?

Stark solution … Spider-Man: Homecoming

Never come back again, they say. But from time to time, the actors do. Charlton Heston camped so old chimpanzee in the new version of 2001 Tim Burton The planet of the apes while recent Ghostbusters Bill Murray has restarted and Dan Aykroyd in small portions. Harrison Ford has restored his list of states A simply by taking the roles that made him famous four decades ago.

But it is relatively rare in Hollywood for the old grizzling to revise the sacred territory that once ruled as a leader, it is even rarer for a player to continue playing the same role during youth to senescence. Few sagas last the test of time successfully to allow their stars to age in the camera, but this does not mean that we will not see this happen in the future - especially in this time of the film world, which in theory could Follow and follow.
Ron Man himself, a metal armor and everything, appears only fugitively in Homecoming. But the billionaire industrialist, with his random mentor Pater Parker, is crucial to the success of the film. Stark offers teen wall Holland a kind of wonder to aspire to work with the Avengers and follows a rock star that contrasts well with the early efforts of the superhero Parker. The relative absence of Iron Man is not actually recorded, but the film was deeply hurt if Stark had emerged.

One has to wonder if Marvel has decided to allow a Downey Jr to assume the role of full-time mentor once the upcoming Avengers Infinity War is over. By then, the actor will be 54 years old and maybe more suitable for a role that has just left the stage. In comics, Stark gave the metallic suit to Williams 15 Riri, Alias Ironheart last year. It would barely be a shock if something similar happened in the MCU on screen.


One of the reasons Marvel was the determination of the study to secure its key contracts in the long term. This means that Thor has always been played by Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson Black Widow, Captain America, Chris Evans and so on. In the rare cases where the actors did not return - Terrence Howard as a war machine, Edward Norton as Hulk - producers simply moved to align the credible replacements. All this adds to the sense of the inner logic of the MCU, and it is hard to argue that it would be improved by allowing Downey Jr to continue to grow ashamed in these films even when the young actors assume the central roles.
It does not even have to be a final retreat from this famous costume. Downey Jr. might be forced to act in emergency situations or might even make his heroism remote - a trick that pulls with aplomb on the way home. If a new Iron Man is really necessary, there are all the arguments that Stark must be the man to choose his successor and play a role tutoring afterward. In comics, Tony has even become the adviser to Al Williams Ironheart after being left in a coma.

The era of the cinematic universe has the potential to solve many of the most radical of modern Hollywood problems, it offers studies knowledge of audience safety without the need for endless sequels and reassigns more tasteless. If it can also eliminate the need for producers to remake iconic roles every time a player gets too old, there may be no end to their bonuses.

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This amazing experience could have been beautiful to terrifying real fast

This amazing experience could have been beautiful to terrifying real fast

The whales are the Giants of the Ocean, with many species that are neuron only of microscopic organisms.

Far from being harmful to humans, on size can still be daunting. Probably the look of little ants to them! Eddy Willis is a kayak of a common sea and that often connects a camera to that can save some of the incredible things that he sees in the water.

E has never been afraid of these wild ecosystems, the saying has known channel of local news: "For me, I love whales, sharks that I love ... Doing little had a greater discharge of Adrenaline that I could have dreamed of when two humpback whales It broke right next to his kayak.

It is clear that he is surprised by the animals, that almost broke, but this surprise is quickly converted in emotion. Consultation below.

This Incredible Experience Could Have Gone From Beautiful To Terrifying Real Quick

What an incredible experience. This is something you will never forget. Share if you would have been afraid of your mind!